
22 Feb 2018

During my software engineering class this week, we started to learn how to use semantic UI. It’s been a bit rough but I’m slowly getting the hang. This is especially true because I’ve never worked with CSS or html before. So far, we have been replicating websites with a simple design. I’ve definitely had some trouble this week trying to figure out how to construct certain layouts of data that I have come across. I’m still just beginning but I’m starting to get somewhat comfortable using semantic UI, at least when it comes to creating sites with basic layouts. There is still much more for me to learn however.

Learning a UI framework can be a difficult task. There are a lot of tools that one must familiarize themselves with before they can become proficient with a framework. It will take time and practice before you become skilled with using a framework. Is learning a framework really worth it or can you get by using solely html and CSS?

Although it may take a while, learning a UI framework can end up being very helpful. A framework gives you the tools needed to produce nice looking sites in a timely manner. It might be a struggle at first and a large time investment at first, but you will be able to save more time down the road if you plan on doing a bit of web development in the future. It also doesn’t appear to be too complicated and once your familiar with a framework, it should be easy to work with. Frameworks allow the web developer to create a sight much faster than they would be able to by use of raw html and ccs. Frameworks make formatting the layout of the page more simple because they have tools allow you to organize the site’s data in all kinds of ways. Some of these layouts may be a hassle for a web developer to implement if they were to only use raw VDD and html while they were creating their site.